Friday, October 5, 2007

A Rough Diamond in the Rough

My new favorite kid on Kid's Nation is without a doubt Colton.  Check out his bio: 
Reasons I Love Colton:
1.  He doesn't give a shit.  While most of the greedy little grubbers are out there trying to get that gold star, he is out there to be a kid.  He filled his jacket with flour and ran around letting it fly out the sleeves (I wish there was a youtube on this but there isn't).  Brilliant. But it's not like he tries to be naughty.  I think it just comes naturally to him.  Also check out his bio above.  Most kids did 4 different surveys on a bunch of topics.  Colton does one.
2.  He's focused.  This rough and tumble kid answered 12 questions for his bio.  8 of his answers had to do with football (if you count PE as football related, which I do) and the other four he probably couldn't work football into (ex.  "What are your political views?").  He wants to be a football player and it is all-consuming.  How often do you see that kind of determination in an 11 year old?  PS I also like that he is the only one who doesn't want to be an engineer or biochemist or world leader, or something equally boring for a little kid to want to be. 
3.  He gets stuff done.  How many Yellow Team kids caught a sheep?  ONE.  Colton caught all three sheep.  Taylor and her posse better start sucking up to him---I'm thinking he's going to be a power player later (decided lack of a gold star notwithstanding).
4.  There are about a million more reasons but I have to work now. 

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