Thursday, November 8, 2007

Reason #47 Why There Should Be A Kid Nation DVD (With Deleted Scenes)

According to this photo, Mike sang in the talent show. Jana also tells me that Nathan sang Greensleeves. Why did CBS deny the television audience these talents? I don't think it's because the editors didn't want to show kids who performed badly (b/c mini Billy Joel was definitely not good) so what is with this censorship? Oh, the reason I care is that I need more evidence to properly determine just what Nathan's deal is. Greensleeves probably means it is less-likely that he has OCD and more likely that it is just a case of homeschoolitis. Why does CBS deny me the ability to make a proper diagnosis??

update: I just realized that Jana meant that there is actual video of Nathan singing on the CBS website. And of all the kids. I am definitely going to watch all of these at some point and I am seriously upset that I have a lot of work to do.

1 comment:

jana said...

I like how Markelle's talent is "Somting".