After this week's episode, I thought it only fitting to include this picture of angry villagers. The one in front is Greg because he looks the meanest. The one in grey is Alex (I know--he's not an angry dude and is probably the least likely citizen of BCity to storm anything but the tooth is almost dead on). The last guy is probably Colton with a pencilled on moustache. Notice how their hands are appropriately shaped to hold a bottle of rootbeer and/or shot of vanilla syrup.
So it's pretty clear by now that people are pissed in the "long lost ghost town". Angry about the leadership (or lack thereof?), angry about not getting pizza last week, angry that the TMNT movie got cancelled, whatever. But why are they angry all of the sudden? Or is this just the very clever, absolutely-not-transparent forshadowing of CBS for next week's impeachment episode?
Side note: Sophia is starting to annoy me. Can we strip someone of their gold star?