Friday, December 14, 2007

Nothing Makes Me Feel Lamer About My Kid Nation Blog Than Seeing How People Found it

Still in mourning you guys. I always meant to post about what Google searches brought people to our blog and I guess now is as good a time as any. Mainly because I drank a lot of wine at lunch and can't really go around giving drunken legal advice now can I? To all the 12 year olds who read our blog (i.e., our entire audience)-- that's called malpractice. See, we are an informative kid nation blog.

To the person who searched for "bonfire in my pocket burning to be spent"- will you be my new best friend? Seriously.

To the people who searched for Zach's dad- 1) why do you care; 2) i think I found him last night (also wine-fueled) by using Zach's last name from IMDB and the phrase "miami lawyer". He is a partner at a firm and he does tax law. Oh, and to the person who searched for "grab a seat zach's dad"- you also can be my new best friend forever (as Kelsey would say).

Um, LOTS of people searched for Migle, but I will assume you are all 12 and not predators waiting to be caught. Also, this is my fault for not checking the stats until now because it only has a record for like the last day and obvs everyone is all about Migle right now. For the record- I am pro-Migle. She had the kids sign her jeans!! I also will be looking for those on ebay, along with Markelle's cap.

Speaking of which, I also love all the people who searched for info on Markelle's cap, even though none of them used the term "jaunty."

Special message to all the people who searched for "kid nation fake"--- you can sleep with the chickens in the blue team's bunk. Kid Nation is real and I hate you.

Ah, I wish I'd written these down the one other time I looked at them because then they were all about Nathan having OCD and "what did Sophia say to Guylan" and Jared's pimp outfit. Anyway, thanks for reading the blog guys!