Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Can't We All Just Get Along

I loved this scene! 4 kids were in the midst of a holy war with Taylor's sidekick caught in the middle. They kept yelling "Jew Crew" and "No, Christian is better" and she just rolled her eyes and glared at them. She is my new favorite kid.

I hate hate hate the pioneer journal. Causing so much trouble yet again. Instead of guilt-tripping them into going to bed early and praying, the journal should tell them that the pioneers in the 1880s would've been able to make the town succeed if only neosporin and chapstick had been invented. These kids are looking rough. Are they all just copying trend setter Greg? Hopefully they are all secretly Christian Scientists and will start healing now that they have sacred religious texts.

Cody's serious long-term girlfriend better not dump him now that he left Bonanza City for her. No, I am sure they will last. And Anjay will perform a Hindu ceremony at their wedding.

Are those jackets they wore during the challenge new? Did the producers finally wise up to the realities of frostbite and decide to properly clothe these kids? That is not the pioneer way!

- Commemorative Buffalo Nickel #4: Jared meditating.

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