Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Someone made a kid nation drinking game!!!

I am always really glad to see that we are not the only 4 normal adults who appreciate the brilliance of this show. The Kid Nation Drinking Game gives me faith in humanity.

Those kids really are always mentioning George Bush! Sophia is always telling it like it is! And I think there are at least 15 kids who haven't spoken yet.

Anyway, we totally have to do this. I think we need to add in something about Pharoah to get Julie to participate. Also, I am going to drink anytime the following things happen:

- Greg shows his softer side (like by wearing a dress!)
- Mike adds 14 extra syllables to a word
- Kelsey fails to correctly conjugate a verb
- Nathan exhibits signs of OCD
- Any kid wears his/her bandana in a way we haven't seen before (hopefully Guylan will come through on this one)
- Kelsey tries to be someone else's sidekick (she has already tried and failed with Taylor and Divad)


Anonymous said...

i am probably the biggest kid nation fan out there. i offered the author of the drinking game 100 bucks to bust one out on short notice. they did and now im awaiting the address to send the bill to

becky said...

I do have a homemade kid nation t-shirt, so I fear that I'm the bigger fan. Not that I'm proud of that.

Lunch Savers said...

Just stumbled across your blog last night.I was nearly shitting my pants at some of these posts. I'm amazed/concerned/excited to find people who share a similarly obsessive love of this ingenious show.

And as it so happens, my roommates (also devout fans) and I also published a Kid Nation Drinking. When we wrote this list (perhaps in week 3 when it was snowing- in the desert) I scoured the net for a place where our list could help enrich other peoples hour of Kid Nation. So although I'm a little late and been beat to the punch, I'd like to share our rules. Hope these lead to further drunkeness:

Kid Nation Drinking Game

1. Taylor says something sassy and/or bitchy
2. Anytime Anjay gets demoralized, dehumanized or immasculated
3. Anytime Elmer Fudd (red head girl) says something with speech impediment
4. Anytime Mike goes fucking ballistic (and shows insecurities about lackluster real life)
5. every time we see a new kid
6. Every time crazy ass Jared does/says something nuts
7. Every time one tooth Alex says anything vastly beyond his years
8. DRINK TWICE- when they drink at the bar
9. Every time host has sad realization of his failed career
10. Every time they show a job not done
11. Every time you see a cold sore (limited to one drink per kid)
12. Every time the kids look like they're freezing their cocks off
13. Every time time they try to use what they interpret to be adult reasoning which is actually just fucking stupid logic
14. Every time time someone mentions mom
15. Every time there is sexual tension and/or possibly a boner
16. Every time the sick twisted hand of nature shits on Bonanza City

Anonymous said...

hahaha when has 15 happened?