What is the point of that over-the-neck water carrier contraption that looks like a guillotine? It still only holds two normal buckets, the same that two hands could hold, and it ends up causing way more spills. Inefficient. They use it every episode. This picture is from two weeks ago, but I definitely spotted it last night.
This is almost as bad as the "frontier microwave" (which has never been shown since that fateful decision) or the old-tyme phone used to spread the news that 1-6 children can now go to college. I thought the journal was my least favorite thing, but now I have decided that I hate that ridiculous phone even more.
Yeah! And how come the Black kid has to carry water with his bare hands while the White kid gets a device to make water-carrying easier. SOOO messed up on SOOO many levels. :-)
Wow, Abdul...I've known you less than 10 seconds, and I already find you annoying.
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