Thursday, October 4, 2007

If global warming is real, then why is it so cold in B-city?

This is the first post (of many) in which I spend way too much time reading the kids' surveys on and reporting back the good stuff. Thanks Jana for telling me about these gems.

Today's topic: "global warming- fact or myth?"

Mallory thinks global warming is a myth. "God's in charge of our environment." Golden star!! Wait a minute, Olivia says global warming is real, "but it isn't huge". Olivia for the win. Whatever, those same parents will be getting a call either way. Also, I am shocked that her dad mentioned a school bus because I would've bet a year's merchant class salary that those kids were homeschooled.

I hate Alex for being 9 and knowing more about the Kyoto Treaty than I do. Also, Eric can quote Al Gore's movie in its entirety, but he's 14 so I'm not as impressed.

My next post will be about Jonbenet. I mean Taylor.

1 comment:

chazindc said...

Ooooh....that comment on Taylor was cold as ice. Wow.