Thursday, October 4, 2007

a man needs his root beer

I guess if you leave 40 39 kids alone in the desert with access to a saloon, you'd better expect soda chugging contests and root beer car bombs. Especially when one of those 39 kids is Greg. Not that I blame him. If I worked as a butcher at the age of 14, I'd be hitting the root beer pretty hard too. The over 21 drinking age law should have an exception: if you know how to lay a sprinkler system AND can butcher a cow-- you get to drink. We will call it Greg's Law. But the driving age will stand at 16. The pioneer handbook has no tolerance for fake drunk driving.

My other favorite kid in this scene was Sophia. She chugged that soda like a champ. I bet that if they played root beer pong, Sophia would dominate. Greg's ski hat would obscure his vision, causing him to lose, and then he'd complain about other people violating some ridiculous rule that only he has heard of. Now that I think about it, I'm actually surprised they didn't bust out some drinking games. They could've played quarters pennies (love the cost of living in that town. 25 cents for a purse--sign me up!!). Maybe they did and it got edited out.

Love Laurel, but she is the girl at a party who is like "I LOVE YOU GUYS!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!" and all her friends are like "not again". At least she was a part of the debauchery (excellent form on her root beer bomb).

More to come later since we are serious legal professionals and kinda busy.


MB said...

Ha, all I can think is Greg = mini Dan Clark. Also, I didn't realize this was y'alls actual blog for like the first 5 days Jana had it up.. you'll be happy to know I will find the old episodes of Kid Nation now instead of doing work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Loved the bit about Greg true.