Friday, December 7, 2007


Where did those goats come from? And since when is an alpaca a pioneer necessity? Will that BCity monument be buried with the miniature golf course and the real laundry machines? I have lots of unanswered questions, as always.

I would like to state for the record that Kid Nation II needs to have all the younger siblings of this season's kids. Alex's brother is even cuter than Alex!! And you know that Jared's sister (author of that epic letter) will be just as entertaining as him. Didn't DK mention 6 siblings? Bring them all! I can't wait.

My favorite moment in this episode was when the kids were all arguing about the reward choice and suddenly the camera cut to Pharoah just saying "AHHHHHHHHH." I think he added a lot to the discourse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i luv kid nation so much, but i think taylor is a BRAT!!!!!!