Friday, December 7, 2007

Conspiracy Theories

This episode was even more unbelievable than the normal level of ridiculousness I have come to expect from the Kid Nation producers.

Why couldn't the TC be back in time for the challenge? They got one crappy piece of advice from those fake Native Americans; there was no need to stay as long as they did. Also, Sheriff Sophia was clearly a plot-furthering device. I hate being lied to by children's programming.

Most importantly, I think the reward challenge was fixed. According to the on-screen clock, all 4 teams took 20 minutes to carry their roofs. The leading teams took 20 more minutes to carry the walls and then it seemed like they were moving almost as slowly with the alpaca, chickens, etc. Yellow finished the house with only two minutes left but still got everything done in time. I don't buy it! FIXED.

I have other conspiracy theories too but I have to go do a conference call. Having a kid nation blog is harder if you are an adult!!


jana said...

DEFINITELY. It also pissed me off a little that yellow wasn't even hustling there at the end. Wtf?

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed they never comfortably come within time? It's always like 30 seconds to spare, or only JUST there. Like please, it CANNOT have taken them 20 minutes to move the roof. It makes no sense. It should have then taken 20 minutes for each wall, ignoring the pointless chickens {which are in a box anyway, hello, you may as well have made them carry an empty CRATE!} and the alpaca. Also, what homestead has an alpaca? Surely Colton could have gone out and hustled up a pony or something, preferably from the ditched reward, to make it seem more homey. Maybe Sophia could have tested another brilliant theory, such as "We prefer to sleep within walls, even if there is no furniture, to outside with an alpaca". Then given everyone her smug smile and stalked off with her broom and nickels, to build her own walled homestead in the middle of town.

becky said...

Great points! I 100% agree.

jana said...

I think I'm your biggest fan, lauren.

Anonymous said...

Sure seemed rather idiotic that the council was going to go visit a "nearby" Native American tribe to talk about leadership...with just one more three-day stretch to go.