Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Quotes from tonight that prompt me to wonder if these kids had frontier-microwaved cocoa for breakfast or crack: 
Emilie:  "Nobody's the coolest kid here.  We're all equal." (See my post about lies parents tell their nerdy/wimpy kids) Also notable, her later quote:  "Trust me, I'll pick up my game."
Michael:  "Does anyone else think the gold star will significantly increase their sex appeal?" (shudder)
Guylan:  "I wear my bandana in a really cool way."  (Okay--I made this one up)
Zach:  "The Yellow District.  They're just a bunch of girls.  Including Colton..." (WATCH IT)
Greg:  "Laurel didn't trade any of her teammembers.  She has THE strongest team!"  (Ummm...didn't they lose approx EVERY showdown until the last one?)
Nathan:  "The red boys' bunk is kind of dusty."  ( are in the middle of the desert.)
1.  Alex's mini-breakdown.  When Alex gets pissed you know something is wrong. 
2.  Jared's emotional jail cell scene (note the pimp cane reappearance).
3.  Loved it every time Mike owned Guylan. 

1 comment:

becky said...

Ha, I knew you were going to be mad about Zach calling Colton a girl!!